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B I O P H I L I C  W E L L - B E I N G: G R O W I N G  T O G E T H E R  I N  T H E  C O M M U N I T Y

This project aims to create interactive textile solutions for a charity allotment for adults with mental health issues. By creating different types of screening and movable seating, the project explores how interactive textiles can provide a stimulating environment to encourage confidence amongst service users. This collection is a contemporary response to long-established theories such as biophilia and sensory approaches to well-being as a means to support those struggling with their mental health. In addition, three-dimensional rendering software has been used alongside physical processes in this project. The use of an online walkthrough allows those with anxiety to view the facilities before attending in person. Innovative approaches to digital processes such as engineered digital print, jacquard and digital embroidery have been explored for a variety of textile outcomes suitable to the diverse needs of the user.

© 2021 By Selina Jones. Proudly created with

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